Hawaiian Kukui Nut Lei In Bulk

Lei's By Ron

$ 0.00

KUKUI NUT LEIS - Black, Brown or Tiger
You can date the history of Kukui nut lei dates to the arrival of the early Polynesians to the Hawaiian Islands. The nut from these trees had a spiritual significance because of their many uses. The kukui tree is one of the most common trees seen in Hawaii’s forests.
The Kukui tree is proudly known as the state tree of Hawaii. The Kukui nut lei were only worn by royalty in ancient times. The reigning chiefs and kings treasured the kukui nut lei and wore them proudly. Today Hollywood’s royalty has brought back the popularity of the kukui lei by wearing them as part of their chunky jewelry collections. Many famous stars, male and female, have been seen at fancy restaurants and in the nightclubs wearing kukui nut leis.
The dark brown, black and white tiger or black nuts are painstakingly sanded and polished before they are strung to make these beautiful Kukui nut leis.

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